GVINE Update

MACG is excited to announce that we recently received a second, multi-year grant in the amount of $149,040 from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) to support GVINE, our youth gun violence intervention initiative.  These additional funds will enable us to hire a FT case manager and PT youth mentor to work with GVINE program participants, strengthening the impact of our existing intervention specialists (street outreach workers) and program coordinator, who were funded through our first PCCD grant. 

Since our program launch last fall, GVINE outreach workers have already engaged with over 356 youth, young adults and other community members in our efforts to intervene and reduce gun violence in Chester. In addition, the GVINE team strengthened our reach and potential impact by developing formal partnerships with multiple organizations focused on housing, community service, alternative education, as well as job placement/training and hosting 11 meetings with community stakeholders. 

We have received several case referrals from the Delaware County Public Defender’s Office (one of our partners) and are now offering intensive case management for youthful offenders seeking to get started on a positive path and stay out of juvenile detention.

(June 2022)