You Can Make a Difference
Your unrestricted gifts directly support our programs and initiatives.
You also can help by providing your time, talents and needed commodities.
Gifts of Goods
Those we serve often have very tangible needs that you can help us meet. See below for a current wish list of needed items:
Computers and/or tablets
Other household goods
Gift of Time
MACG functions utilizing a small staff and relies on volunteer support to address some of our program and operational needs. If you have time and/or any of the following talents, we would love to have you explore joining our team.
Data and info management
Marketing and communications
Event management and support
Client advocacy
Making a Change Group is a registered 510(c)(3) nonprofit organization and has a Platinum Seal of Transparency on Guidestar
610-619-6431, Ext. 3
P.O. Box 1115
Chester, PA 19016